Some Useful Fiesta Online Tips or Tricks

Publié le par jtjt

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As a Fiesta online player, you may need some useful tips or guides to help enhance yourself. So i collect this guide and post it here and just hope it can help you...

Since I had many question me about how to make money as an archer and other things. I thought I’d hold a study session after class. So, if you find yourself staying later that means you need a little more extra help. Don’t fret though, you aren’t the only one who has passed through here, even the more learned come here for a little extra help as well.


Archer AoE: Solo & Party


AoE Solo:

Basically it is a form of kiting, but on a much higher velocity then the simple one vs. one solo kiting. AoE Soloing takes a little skill, but once you get the hang of it… well you’ll understand once you try it. Sadly though, Solo AoEing is suited only for levels 51+. Why? Well you don’t get an AoE that you can use while kiting until level 51, which is when you get Nature’s Mist.

The below will state how you succeed in Solo AoEing:

1. Get a speed scroll, any tier would do, but tier 2 is recommended. Defense, Vitality, and Evasion are also good to use. Any tier depending on the mob you are about to take on.

2. Once you have gathered the needed scrolls you need to find a place to solo AoE. Make sure there is no one or very few people around, plenty of space, and no obstacles. Normally the abysses work perfect for this.

3. Once you’ve done the first two you are ready to begin. Equip all your scrolls and prepare to begin. Prep your Nature’s Mist and run nearby to a mob and aim then begin to run. If you can it is best to run in a huge circle. Continue to shoot the Nature’s Mist and occasionally target one and shoot your DoTs.

4. If you haven’t died yet then you are doing perfect. Don’t get mad if you do die, accidents happen, and sometimes you can’t always get away safe. You should find that you do gain a ton of experience and items from doing this.

Of you do the top 4 things then you’ll be a perfect solo AoEer. As long as you have a speed scroll you should be fine!


AoE Party:
The best way to gain experience and even items, but it takes real skill and a good party to pull it off. You should find a place in a party quickly and don’t get discouraged if you are getting passed up, people just don’t know the worth of an archer yet.


Fighters are the tanks. Clerics are the healers. Mages are the nukes. What are archers? Archers are the Multitask class. They fill in failings of Mages, Fighters and Clerics (defense, aggro and damage respectively) and are the cement which bonds a party together. Let's face it, without an archer, you're in for a lot of work. Because tanks cannot keep total aggro, clerics cannot heal themselves and their party and mages cannot take a hit and have big damage gaps, archers nullify those problems with their own special brand of archer magic.


1. Keep monsters off the cleric. Do this with your DoTs. They are godly.
2. Tank 1/8th of the mobs. This includes monsters you take off the cleric/mage and monsters that slip off the tank.
3. Make sure the tank never loses aggro. This is very intricate and it will be explained below.
4. Provide constant AoE damage, this shouldn’t be too difficult.
5. After level 51, you’ll be even better for luring. Run into a mob and drag them or use your new skill, run towards the tank and use Nature’s Protection.

Kiting Techniques


This part will be rather small because it is more in-depth in my first guide. Basically kiting is taken to a new level as you gain new DoTs such as Venomous Shot and the AoE DoT, Nature’s Mist. With these new skills kiting has become ever so much easier.


1. Kiting works best with a lot of area, the abyss gives you that chance because there is a lot of room and little people.
2. DoTs can be used while running use this to your advantage.
3. Be wary of running into another mob, if it does happen keep running and attack your initial one, and then target the one chasing you. Do not run into other parties if you think you will stand your ground.
4. Know who is around you, know your limits, and have fun.

Money Making(Fiesta online gold)


There are many ways to make money. Whether you are an archer, fighter, cleric, or even a mage you can use the tips below all the same. As for an archer there are easy ways to make that extra cash you need. Below are some of the ways I have earned enough to keep on going.


1. Sell Alchemy stones, T1 can go for 1s a stack or more depending on server. I don’t recommend this unless you plan on doing all the quests and spending little. Due to needing 10k fame to purchase the archer skill you might not want to do this unless you don’t mind spending a little bit of fame for quick cash.

2. Farming! This is the number one way next to doing your production skills. If you take the time you can actually make quite a few silvers by farming for a few hours. If you are not yet level 40 you might want to farm Geranium in FoM or even mine copper in the caves. It only takes patience and time. As long as you are willing to give your time to do this then you will find it very profitable.

3. Production skills. The only problem I find with this is that you actually need money to make money. Unless you take the time to grind on lowbie accounts then you won’t find a faster way to get the T1 items you need unless you buy large sums of the item you need. Stones and Scrolls are your major money maker, stones more then anything. If you can make large numbers of the item and sell it you will find that you will gain a lot of money.

4. Soloing. You gain experience and items and best thing is that you get everything for yourself. If you rush yourself you will find you will gain little, but if you rest in between, kite, and use little stones you will find that you will make a bundle of cash.

5. Duoing, the next best thing to soloing. A bit more experience, but less items. You will be able to go for much longer and spend less on hp stones, but you will spend quite a lot on sp stones. Don’t worry though you will be able to make up for the loss quickly.

6. Selling stocked up items. I normally keep all my items I get and at the end of the week I will sell all the items I do not need and pull in 100s+ by doing this. It may be difficult to keep the items until the end of the week, but you will find that it is sometimes better to do it this way. You just take one day out your week to sell all the goodies you’ve gathered.

That’s it basically. There aren’t many great tips, but I hope that the ones I have provided will help you earn money to keep on going!


Archer Greens: What stats?


Many don’t quite know what they are looking for in green items. What is a green item? A green item has added stats, extra crit, defense, aim, Fiesta online power leveling, or damage. Some items add one, two, or all of them, but it depends on the green, but not all stats are helpful.


STR: Is it as helpful? Yes and no. Yes because if you have enough it, it might prove useful. No because STR doesn’t have the same benefit as free stat and archer green STR stat doesn’t have the same benefits that fighters have. It has some benefits, but not the greatest unless you have large sums of it.


END: Is END more useful then free stat END? Yes it is. Green END might be one of the more useful stats that you can have. Not only does it give you the addition of health, but all the addition of defense which can be really useful for a solo archer. Again to be more helpful it is best to look for large sums, 10+ on the green item.


DEX: This is probably just as useful as END, if you can find this stat and END together then you’ll do rather well. Green DEX not only adds to aim, but evasion as well. Finding high amounts of DEX can be useful, but remember you can’t always rely on it allowing you to miss.


INT: INT? No never ever look for INT. If an item does have INT on it don’t worry unless the item has more of this then any other stat. Try avoiding this and remember any item with more of this on it unless it is a mage item is basically NPC food.


SPR: This is one stat that many do not quite understand. Since SPR adds to crit most would think that the Green SPR would do the same, but it doesn’t. It does not add to crit in any way. SPR adds SP and magic defense. Green SPR isn’t the most useful thing to have, but one can’t always avoid having this on their green item.

In conclusion, the top three stats to look for are DEX, END, and STR, in no particular order. It is best to look for items that have 10+ of any of the stat you are looking for in particular. If you find any with 15+ or 20+ of the needed stat and it is at a good price, well it just might be the armour or weapon for you.

Source from here.

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